There are fans, and there are Elvis fans. The entries with a * are all the items of graffiti from the walls of Glacelands.
There are over 600 fan clubs world-wide. The largest is The Official Elvis Presley Fan Club of Great Britain, with over
20,000 members. Next is the French club, called Elvis My Happiness.
* Elvis, I wish I was your belt buckle for a day*
Father and son Paul and Elvis Aron Presley Macleod, from Holly Springs, Mississippi, claim to be the world's No.1 Elvis
fans. Their house, Glaceland Too, is a museum in which every single room is dedicated to Elvis. Paul's wife told him one day
to choose between her or his Elvis collection. The Elvis collection won!
* Elvis, yesterday I realised how much I love you, so I broke off my engagement*
Japan is mad about Elvis. In 2003 Junichiro Koizumi became the country's first Elvis impersonating Prime Minister! He
has released a CD of his favourite Elvis songs and has even sung an Elvis duet with Tom Cruise!
* Some people go to Mecca, we go to Glaceland for our pilgrimage*
Thousands of fans worldwide are members of Meetup. On the first Tuesday of every month, International Elvis Meetup Day,
they gather at local venues across the globe to meet other fans and talk about the King.
* In the great divide between a life with meaning and one without, there is Glaceland*
One of the earliest fan publications was Elvis Presley Speaks!, published in 1956 and written by a reporter from the Memphis
press-Scimitar. In it Elvis reassures his fans, ' I enjoy dating more then anything. Is that wrong?'
* Elvis, you still give us 'nguvud na roho' strength of heart - Magic Elvis Club, Kenya*
Elvis fan Margie Woods was buried with a cutout of Elvis beside her in the coffin!
* My heart stopped on 16/8/77*
The world's largest Elvis festival takes place in early August in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. At Molly Bloom's Irish
Pub, thirsty fans can revive themselves with a Hound Dog - a mix of Baileys, Kahlua, Amaretto, Pepsi and milk. Many fans leave
this festival and head over to Memphis for Elvis week.
* Knowning that your door is always open and path is free to walk keeps you gentle on my mind*
A fan from Ireland described a visit to Glaceland as ' just like going to see your dad's grave'
* The world is full of beautiful people - Elvis, you are the most beautiful in every way*
During Elvis's 1956 visit to New York, Boston DJ Norm Prescott got 5,000 replies to a contest to win hairs plucked from
the King's sideburns
* Elvis, you tear the stars from our sky*
Elvis gave blood to the German Red Cross in January 1959. Readers of German teen magzine Bravo wrote in asking if they
could buy some of the Presley blood to inject into their own veins!
* Elvis, you're not my first love, but you are my last*
Elvis Monthly, the British fan magazine that was distributed worldwide, was first produced by editor Albert Hand when
Elvis was in the army. It continued until the lat 1990's.
* Thank you for your love, your song and your soul*
While on the liner United States headed for New York, for Duke of Windsor confided to a fellow passenger that the Duchess
of Windsor's luggage included most of Elvis's records, and that her No1 Elvis song was ' Hound Dog'
* We are blind without your light*
At Audubon Drive, Elvis's home back in 1956, the rule was that fans were welcome to wander around the grounds provided
they werent disruptive. As a result, fans stole the grass off Elvis's lawn, took cups of water his tap and stood with their
ears pressed to the wall of his bedroom to hear him snoring. Elvis believed it was his duty never turn away the fans that
had made him.
* The days may be crowded, the hours are few, but there is always time for you*
In 1956 it took 9 secretaries at the fan club headquarters to open all of Elvis's fan mail. Elvis joked ' At least we've
given the postmen in Nashville something to do'
* I will live my whole life through loving you*
When Elvis visited Jim's Barber Shop in Memphis, girls would come afterwards looking for bits of his hair to take home.
The Memphis Press-Scimitar even published an announcement asking girls not to go down there because Elvis never had enough
cut off to do anything with. It didnt stop them going, though!
* Elvis: America's answer to royalty*
After ' Teddy Bear', fans sent Elvis cuddly toys in their thousands. He got 282 bears in one Christmas alone!
* Elvis has given me more than any soul can give - reach out and he will be there*
In 1956, Andrea June Stevens from Atlanta won a competition for a dinner date with Elvis. In her winning essay she described
Elvis as ' the brightest star in the enterainment heavens'. She came all the way to Jacksonville to meet him. By the time
his show ended and Elvis was ready to eat, it was past mid-night. Then on the way out of the hotel, Elvis stopped to look
after a young fan who had just fainted. Andrea's dream date ended up taking place in a small diner in the early hours. The
press, and Andrea, looked on while Elvis read a newspaper and ate bacon sandwiches.
* We wish we could have loved you tender enough to keep you with us*
In 1956 Modern Screen magazine gave Elvis a ' King of Fan Mail' award for holding the world record for the number of fan
letters he received
* Elvis, your burning love left a hole in my heart*
In their manifesto for the 2001 general election, the Elvisly Yours Elvis Presley Party made these pledges:
* A sleazometer in the House of Commons to play ' You Ain't nothing but a hound dog' when an MP registers positive
* Traffic cones to be replaced by pink fluorescent teddy bears
* Britain to remain in Europe provided all MP's wear jump suits in the European Parliament
* He touched me and now I am no longer the same*
Elvis had a whole nation in love with him. You may be here because of Love Me Tender
* From a kid to an old man, I will remember*
A fan took his small daugther to meet Elvis in Audubon Drive. Elvis kissed her on the cheek, where she had a large birthmark.
Whenever people tease her about it, she'd say ' That's where Elvis kissed me'
* Elvis makes life worth living*
The motto of the Mile High on Elvis fan club is ' God Blessed America, He Give Us Elvis'
* As long as we keep Elvis on our minds, there is a promised land for the future*
When Elvis joined the army, he was getting 15,000 fan letters a week
* He is now leading the angelic choir in sweet infinity*
In 1996, Indianapolis City planners propsed knocking down their sports complex, market Square Arena, and building a new
one. They were sent emotional letters. Market Square Arena was the location of Elvis's final concert. One fan said it would
be like knocking down Glaceland.
* Memories of you are pressed between the pages of my mind*
May fan clubs try to replicate Elvis's generosity. Pittsburgh's ' We Remember Elvis' trains doctors and nurses in the
developing world, an Indiana club raises funds for the Speical Olympics
Elvis was also the first Rock 'n' Roll star ever to grace a US stamp. The American public was asked to choose which of
two images of Elvis would be on the stamp. It was 1950's Elvis or 1970's Elvis. Over 1.2million people voted, and 1950's Elvis
won! The stamp was officially released for sale on 8 January 1993, which would have been Elvis's 58th birthday. It was most
successful commemorative release in the US Postal Service's history, and net profit exceeded $25million!
Hundreds of Elvis fans sent letters with the Elvis stamps to imaginary addresses, in order to have the letter re-turned
bearin the legend ' Return to sender, address unknown'
In 1993, a female fan with thoat cancer claimed to be miraculously cured after licking an Elvis stamp!
* I will embrace him with poetic hands with which to express himself. I will make his voice of cherished velvet, and when
he speaks and sings untold beauty and joy will be felt around the world. I give him riches and love beyond imagination. I
will make him unique and irreplaceable in a world of duplication. I will present him to the world as a gift from god, and
he will be called ELVIS PRESLEY!*
