Exhibit A: The Death of Elvis Aaron Presley
Is Elvis Presley Alive?
There are many reasons to believe that Elvis Presley is dead. When the only arguments to believe otherwise come from crazed
fans and supermarket tabloids, it is easy to dismiss the possibility that the King is still among us. However, the circumstances
surrounding Elvis's alleged death are quite mysterious and beg closer attention. As it turns out, there are many concrete
reasons to believe that the King is still alive.
Take a look at this:
What about the mind-boggling picture (above) taken in the poolhouse behind Graceland's Meditation Gardens four months
after the death of Presley and showing a man seated who looked exactly like Elvis? Mike Joseph took this photograph in January
1978 while on vacation and visiting Meditation Gardens. There is an audio recording of Mike Joseph stating that the person
in that photograph is Elvis. Later, after a meeting with Joe Esposito and Al Strada, he changed his story. Now he says that
he never stated that it was Elvis in the photograph even though he was recorded as saying it was.
The Gravesite.
For Starters, Elvis's name is spelled wrong on his headstone. Elvis's full name is Elvis Aron Presley, but on his grave
his middle name is spelled incorrectly with two a's. His father would not have let this happen. When Elvis was born, his name
was misspelled on his birth certificate, and his father went to great lengths to get the error corrected. The unique spelling
of Elvis's name was important to the Presley family.
Elvis's current "resting place" is in between his father and his grandmother and not next to his mother where
he had adamantly requested. It is doubtful that the people close to him would allow these things to happen. Elvis is a superstitious
man - enough so that he wouldn't tempt fate by putting his real name on a tombstone, or violate the ground next to his mother
until he was ready to be placed there for good.
Elvis was very vain, and he was embarrassed about his recent weight gain - An astonishing 50 pounds in the month before
his so-called death. Even though he weighed 250 pounds at the time of his death, his death certificate lists him at a spry
170 pounds. The original death certificate disappeared, and the current death certificate is dated two months after his alleged
Elvis' coffin required several pall bearers because it weighed 900 pounds. Attendants at the funeral reported that the
air around the coffin was rather cool. It is suspected that the coffin contained an air conditioning unit or dry ice to keep
a wax body cool. A wax body that was a replica of Elvis designed to fool funeral- goers. And how did the Presley family get
a 900 pound, custom made coffin ready for the showing of the body that was held on the day after his death? It takes a lot
of time to build such an elaborate coffin. Alanna Nash, formerly of the Louisville Courier-Journal, who viewed the body in
the casket twice, commented on how wax-like it looked. La Costa, sister of Tanya Tucker, said, "We were right up to the
casket and stood there, and God, I couldn't believe it. He looked just like a piece of plastic laying there. He didn't look
like Elvis at all... He looked more like a dummy than a real person."
And why have the funeral so quickly? Some speculate that the immediacy was intended to make it as difficult as possible
for the people who were Elvis' biggest fans (heads of fan clubs, etc.) to attend the proceedings. It could be a concern that
they might recognize the flaws in the wax replica..., many of which were noticed anyway.
Elvis was an 8th degree black belt whose hands were rough with calluses, yet the body in the coffin had hands that were
soft and pudgy. The body in the coffin had a pug nose and arched eyebrows (unlike Elvis) and most importantly, one of the
sideburns on the corpse was loose and falling off. A hairdresser later reported gluing the sideburn back on the body.
Two hours after Elvis' death was announced publicly, a man who reportedly looked remarkably like Elvis purchased a ticket
for Buenos Aeries, paid in cash, and used the name John Burrows: the name Elvis had used as an alias several times before.
He had a few books that were considered to be his most prized possessions. He had a Bible, several pharmaceutical books,
books on death, and most importantly Cheiro's Book of Numbers and the Autobiography of a Yogi. After his death was announced,
these books disappeared and were never recovered. Also missing were specific pieces of jewelry and pictures of his mother.
In the weeks preceding his alleged death, Elvis' actions were not those of a man who was about to embark on an extensive
US tour. He ordered no new suits despite having gained 50 pounds since his last tour.
Elvis fired several employees that he had relied upon for a long time.
wo days before his alleged death, Elvis telephoned a friend of his named Miss Foster (Elvis had been friends with her
for a long time because she reminded him of his mother). He told her that he wasn't planning on going on the upcoming tour.
She asked him if he had canceled it, and he said that he had not. When she asked if he was ill, he said that he was fine,
and that she should not ask any more questions or tell anyone anything, and that she should not believe anything she reads.
He told her that his troubles would all soon be over, and that he would call her in a few weeks. The author of 'Elvis Where
Are You?' writes that Miss Foster took a polygraph test regarding this story, and that she was not lying.
The day after Elvis' alleged death, a woman named Lucy De Barbon, a former lover of Elvis', received a single rose in
the mail. The card indicated that the flower was from "El Lancelot". This had been her pet name for Elvis, and it
was a name that no one else knew. Flowers can't be sent from beyond the grave.
Elvis had many reasons to fake his death. Elvis' life was in danger. He had recently lost $1,300,000 in an airplane/real
estate deal with a California based organization called the "Fraternity" that had links to the Mafia. It is speculated
that he corroborated with the government to expose the organized crime ring in exchange for protection - perhaps in the form
of a new life and identity compliments of the witness relocation program.
Elvis was a prisoner of his own fame. He had many other reasons to leave his life behind. Because of his incredible popularity,
he was the recipient of several death threats, and he was concerned about the safety of his ex-wife and daughter. Sometimes
when he wanted to leave Graceland, he would send out look-alikes to distract would be followers. Elvis was also known to ride
in the trunk of someone else's car to avoid detection.
Elvis had the means to fake his own death. He is accused of destroying himself with drugs. In reality, Elvis was a pharmaceutical
expert. He took a lot of drugs, but he knew what he was doing and was extremely careful. He knew what drugs he could self-
administer to create a deathlike state. Further, Elvis' experience with the martial arts was such that he could slow his heart
rate and breathing in order to feign death. He was an eighth degree black belt.
Elvis' manager, Colonel Tom Parker, had once created a new identity for himself. He came to this country as an illegal
immigrant from Holland, but through various connections managed to create an elaborate identity complete with a passport,
birth certificate, drivers' license, and social security number. He would have known how to give Elvis a second life.
There was a helicopter hovering over Graceland just moments before Elvis was found dead. Did Elvis get on that helicopter?
Did the helicopter drop off another body to take Elvis' place? Monte Nicholson, a veteran with the Los Angeles Sheriff's Dept.,
writes in his novel The Presley Arrangement about a government helicopter hovering over Graceland, and finally landing in
the back. Nicholson was informed there were pictures of Elvis getting on the helicopter during the early afternoon of August
16. Others report seeing a helicopter - including Larry Geller in his book If I Can Dream: Elvis' Own Story, who says he saw
from his window at Howard Johnson's: helicopters hovering over Graceland.
According to handwriting experts, Elvis' own handwriting was on his death certificate/coroners report.
Some of Elvis' closest friends were asked, by Vernon, not to attend the funeral.
Elvis' father refused to have his son's coffin draped with the American flag, traditionally given to all dead veterans.
Did he know that the coffin did not contain his son's body?
In December 1970, Elvis was inducted into the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) by President Nixon. Elvis had just been awarded
one of America's Ten Outstanding Young Men for his efforts to wipe out drugs. Elvis went undercover for the DEA and helped
put one of America's largest crime rings behind bars. This particular undercover operation was coded 'Operation Fountain Pen'.
Was Elvis really addicted to drugs..., or was he the ultimate actor after all? The U.S. Department of Justice's Federal Bureau
of Investigation in Washington confirmed in a letter to Maria Columbus, president of The Elvis Special fan club, that Presley
visited FBI headquarters on December 31, 1970 and was given a tour of FBI facilities. Two months prior to meeting with President
Nixon, Elvis was presented with a CNOA Membership Certificate that reads: This is to certify that Elvis A. Presley is a member
in good standing of the California Narcotics Officers Association. Once when Elvis was on stage, he wanted to prove to the
audience that he was not strung out on drugs like everyone said he was. He then displayed a certificate to the audience and
said, "This if from the International Narcotics Enforcement Association. This Certificate gives me special honors and
a lifelong membership. I've been wearing a federal narcotics badge for six years. They don't give you that if you're strung
out." One of the fan letters states that several police uniforms were delivered to Graceland on August 15, 1977.
The Elvis estate demanded that no cameras be brought to the funeral.
One month prior to August 1977..., $1,000,000.00 was withdrawn from his personal checking account.
The medical examiner's report says that the body was found in the bathroom in a rigor-mortised condition. The homicide
report says that the body was found in the bedroom 'unconscious'.
What about the tape - authenticated - that was sent to a top voice-identification expert, on which Elvis talked about
things that did not occur before August 1977?
"I may not look good tonight, but I'll look good in my coffin," said Presley on his last concert tour, 1977.
At a different time he said, "I know I look fat now and I'll look terrible for my TV special coming up. But I'll tell
you this: I'll look good in my casket."
"If I should return you would not recognize me" is underlined in one of Elvis' favorite books.
In 'Elvis, My Brother', Billy Stanley noted that Elvis was wearing a jogging suit with the DEA logo during the early morning
hours of August 16, 1977.
There are 663 FBI pages on Elvis, much of the material consists of files dated after August 1977.
Phone records show that Ginger Alden, Elvis' girlfriend at the time of his alleged death, phoned the National Enquirer
one to three hours before calling downstairs for help when she found Elvis in the bathroom floor. How did she know to call
them one to three hours before there was anything to call about? Did she know that there was going to be a body in there later
in the day?
What about the sightings, many by very credible people?
Elvis believed that he was chosen by God for something special. He thought he had special powers like, hands-on-healing.
I think he may have had some special gifts other than his voice. Elvis was always studying about religion. He didn't want
to take any chances when it came to getting into the Kingdom of Heaven. One of his favorite books, which you will find on
display at Graceland now, was The Passover Plot by Hugh Schonfield in 1966. The book is a story of how Jesus may have faked
his death and came back 16 years later instead of being resurrected. Elvis may have faked his death and given up all worldly
possessions in an effort to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. Elvis once mentioned to a friend that he would like to become
a Monk. After August 16, 1977, a man dressed as a Monk went into a popular entertainment club. Another customer reported that
the face under the hood looked remarkably like Elvis Presley. As it turns out, the club was owned by a good friend of Elvis'.
There were orders by the Presley Estate that no cameras be brought to the funeral. However, one of Elvis' relatives, Bobby
Mann, managed to sneak one in. The picture he took appeared on the front of the National Enquirer. It is evident in the picture
that it is not Elvis Presley.
Elvis was pronounced dead at 2:56 PM. Between that time and when the body was viewed the next day, there seemed to be
enough time to do all of the following: Autopsy and embalming were completed, the body was back at Memphis Funeral Home around
8:00 PM, sixteen white limousines were ordered, a white Cadillac hearse was readied, a specially designed casket was ordered
and flown in, a casket blanket of 500 red roses was made, the security and police were ordered, the tour was canceled, personal
calls were made by Vernon to fan club presidents asking that they not attend, clothing was chosen, songs were chosen, ministers
contacted, the procession planned, and the body was put on private display by 11:30 the next morning.
Dee Presley, Elvis' stepmother, said she received a call from someone sounding like Elvis, saying things only Elvis knew.
A picture taken September 23, 1984 shows Muhammad Ali, Reverend Jesse Jackson, and what appears to be Elvis Presley. When
Muhammad Ali was in Fort Worth, Texas, toward the end of 1989, promoting his cologne, two people showed him the picture. As
reported by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Ali identified the man in the picture with him as "My friend Elvis." Also,
in late 1989, a lady showed the picture to Elvis' step-brother, Billy Stanley. Billy pointed the man out as being Elvis Presley.
He said he wanted a copy of the picture to put on his office wall to prove that Elvis was not a racist.
Priscilla made wildly contradictory statements about where she was on the night of Elvis' death. Elvis' road manager
let it slip that he was worried about Priscilla and daughter Lisa Marie at Graceland after Elvis' death -- a time period when
Priscilla was SUPPOSED to be in Los Angeles.
Joe Esposito said, on the Geraldo show June 18, 1990, "In the first place, how can he commit suicide? He's living
in Kalamazoo, Michigan."
Chiro's Book of Numbers.
Elvis had a fascination with numerology - an interest he fed by reading Chiro's Book of Numbers. The theory that the King
orchestrated his death is further supported when considering the significance of the date of his alleged death. The date in
question is August 16,1977. By adding the numbers in the date, 8, 16, and 1977, you get 2001. This is the title of Elvis'
favorite movie in which the hero plans his immortality in the bathroom. Elvis spent a considerable amount of time doing the
same: planning his afterlife on the john. Elvis spent so much time in the bathroom that he had his toilet converted into a
reclining comfy chair. Coincidentally, the bathroom is also where Elvis's body was reportedly found.
Given Elvis's religious affiliation (Christianity), he had a fascination with things that come in threes i.e. father,
son, and holy ghost. The sum of the digits from his favorite film (2+0+0+1) is three. Let's consider the triad of the repetition
of the number 24. 2001 (favorite film) less 1977 (year of death) is 24. The two numbers from the day of death (8/16) when
added up equal 24. The sum of the digits in the year of death (1+9+7+7) also equals 24. That is 3 occurrences of the number
24 which is divisible by 3, and when divided by three the result, 8 has a perfect cubed root (2x2x2=.
Elvis loved numerology, and when you consider the numeric significance of the date of his alleged death, it is clear that
if indeed he did plan to fake his death, he could not have chosen a better date.
Elvis had shown a fascination with death on several occasions. In the days leading up to his alleged death he was reported
to have visited funeral homes at odd hours of the night with close friends. Was he doing research? Elvis once faked his death
by setting up an elaborate shooting in which a would be killer fired blanks at Elvis who had a blood pack which he discharged.
It was Elvis's intention to see how the people closest to him would react to his death. Perhaps what he learned convinced
him to do it for real.
On August 16th 1977, at 8:00 A.M., Elvis told Ginger Alden that he was going into the bathroom to read. (This bathroom/lounge
had it's own back entrance.) For the next six hours no one saw him. Elvis signed for a special delivery letter at 9:30 A.M.
At 2:00 P.M. Ginger Alden found the apparent body of Elvis lying on the floor in front of his chair, where he had been reading.
She called Al Strada who in turn called Joe Esposito. George Nichopoulous (aka Dr. Nick) was then telephoned. Joe called the
fire department, unit 6. The ambulance arrived at Graceland at 2:33 P.M. Paramedics administered CPR, despite rigor mortis.
The body was taken to Baptist Memorial Hospital at 2:48 P.M. By 3:00 P.M. Elvis' family members and friends were informed
of his "death". Public announcement was given at 3:30 P.M.
August 17th, the body was brought back to Graceland for family viewing. The public viewing was from 3:00 P.M. to 6:30
P.M. On August 18th,1977 Tennesse Governor Ray Blanton ordered flags to be flown at half-mast for the duration of the funeral
procession. At midday the Graceland gates swung open, a white Cadillac hurse rolled through them, followed by sixteen white
Cadillac limousines.
How could it take twenty minutes for paramedics to drive sixteen blocks to Graceland if the call came in at 2:33 P.M.?
The Medical Examiner's Report states that the body was found with rigor mortis, while the police report states "unconcious".
Why would anyone try to give CPR to a rigor mortised body ? The ME report listed the body as weighing 80 pounds lighter then
Elvis' actual weight. How could Elvis have passed a physical exam just prior to August if his heart was so enlarged ? How
could he have played raquetball for several hours on August 16th, just before his "death" ?
ABC's 1979 program on the cover up of Elvis' death stated that all the stomach cocntents were destroyed. Bill Burkin in
his book Elvis World states that officials at Babtist Memorial Hospital had assured him that the stomach contents had been
shipped to a California lab to be examined and then on to a lab in Utah, and then ? There are rumors of Elvis' "death"
being caused by a heart attack, drug overdose, suffocation in carpeting, suicide and even cancer ! Persons in attendance at
Graceland at the time of "death" don't agree on the color of pajamas Elvis was wearing or the posistion of the body.
Why did Vernon, Elvis' father, ask many people NOT to attend the funeral but to come a week later ? Why did Vernon refuse
to accept the flag which is usually given to dead war veterans ? Why didn't Elvis have any new jumpsuits made during 1977
? The handwriting on the death certificate matched Elvis' own writing !
Elvis was very aware of which presribed drugs did not mix well with others. Elvis had glaucoma, and Dexedrine, a drug
not to be taken with that condition, was listed as being in his system. Who would prescribe it and why would he take it ?
Whose body was autopsied ? Funeral homes don't usually keep soilid copper coffins in stock. These coffins weigh in the area
of 300 pounds and usually take two months to receive once ordered. This coffin seemed to have been ready. The body in the
coffin had a "pug" nose and there was the appearance of beads of sweat on the forehead. The sideburns appeared to
be glued on and the body looked more like a "wax dummy". There were ten pallbearers and the coffin was much to heavy
for just a body to be inside. Perhaps there was an air conditioner inside to keep the wax figure from "melting".
Monte Nicholson, a nineteen year veteran of the Los Angeles Sheriffs Department, wrote a novel called The Presley Arrangement.
This novel tells the story of a body that is autopsied...a man resembling Elvis. The man had died of cancer. The body is later
returned for private burial, to the man's own family. The man's family are paid to remain silent about the incident. Nicholson
explains a government connection. In a 1989 radio interview Nicholson said that even if he knew there was an FBI connection
and was told not to say anything, he COULD NOT say. Nicholson also claimed that if he knew the answer to the question, and
says he does, he will not disclose his knowledge. He said that if Elvis is alive that his book is pretty close to the truth
of what REALLY happened.
Was Elvis a DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) agent ? Elvis can be seen wearing a DEA Staff jacket in several photographs,
including one taken in June of 1977, approximately six weeks before his "death". Also Elvis was wearing a jogging
suit with the DEA logo on it during the early morning hours of August 16th 1977.
When Elvis met with President Richard Nixon he said he had been "studying" the drug culture for over 10 years,
he could get into any culture group and be accepted. Elvis said he had gotten alot from the country and he wanted to repay
in some way. It would hane been a dangerous job and one that an entertainer such as Elvis would not have HAD to do unless
he chose to. Many DEA agents pose as "drug users" and "pushers" in their undercover work. Elvis could
get to anyone if he appeared to be a "user". In the book Elvis: What Happened? one of the guys wondered if Elvis
was ever as whacked out as he seemed to be. Maybe he is a "great" actor after all. Perhaps he deserves an "Oscar".
Death threats were issued against Elvis and his family. Those who had leveled those threats had actually broken into Graceland.
At times, the FBI was called. Deputy Narcotics Director John Finlator arranged for Elvis to come to his office under the name
of John Burroughs. Finlator didn't want to give Elvis a badge but the President reversed the decision.
On December 21st of 1970, Elvis met with President Richard Nixon in the oval office, Washington, D.C. Elvis had written
a letter requesting a meeting and expressed his concerns about the drug culture, hippie elements, the SDS and other groups
who were against the establishment. When Finlator finally gave Presley the badge and promised to issue him consultant credentials,
Elvis was overcome with emotion and his eyes became misty. Ten days later he met with the FBI. On the same day, President
Nixon wrote Elvis a thank you. Elvis wrote the President and said, "I can and will do more good, if I were made a Federal
Agent at large, and I will help out by doing it my way."
In 1971 Elvis was named one of the America's Ten Outstanding Young Men by the U.S. Jaycees. He was known to be in his
bedroom for weeks, seeing no one. (There was a back staircase at Graceland.) Elvis could sneak out whenever he needed to.
Department of the Treasury-Bob Pritchett says that the during the years of '74, '75, and '76 "Mr. Presley provided
one of our undercover agents, who was a musician, a job cover. Undercover agents appear to have other occupations. None of
Elvis' group of friends knew of this agent and the role he played in setting up his cover. Since he had an undercover agent
in his group from '74-'76, when did he find time to drugs himself? Elvis was very good at keeping secrets and living a "double
For more information on this, write:
Freedom of Information-Privacy Acts Section Records Management Division, U.S. Dept. of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Washington, D.C. 20535
Subject requested: Elvis Aaron Presley Freedom of Information Act (Title 5, U.S. Code, Section 552)
The government charges copying costs somewhere between $50 and $60.
Elvis spoke with President Carter two weeks before his death. It involved aid to a friend. On August 16, 1977, President
Carter issued this tribute:
"Elvis Presley's death deprives our country of a part of itself. He was unique and irreplaceable. More than twenty
years ago he burst upon the scene with an impact that was unprecedented and will probably never be equaled. His music and
his personality, fusing the styles of white country and black rhythm and blues, permanently changed the face of American popular
culture. His following was immense and he was a symbol and good humor of his country."
This was a formal statement, when a celebrity's death is usually only commented on. He had spoken to Nixon and Carter
both shortly before the day he died.
In the September '88 issue of American Karate magazine, Ed Parker tells of a time when a terrorist group threatened Elvis'
life to make him an example of how they could get to famous people. They threatened to plant a bomb in one of the gifts offered
to Elvis at at concert. This was a threat as long as he was "alive", and his family were targets, also.
Elvis always had law enforcement officials around him. John O'Grady, who was earlier in charge of NARC Divisions of the
LAPD, was one of them. He also hired Dick Grob, a former sargeant with the Palm Springs Police. He was surrounded by at least
two lawmen in top security positions. Elvis was in danger. The "hoax" may have been the only way out! History will
prove Elvis to be an American hero beyond being an American entertainer.
With all the Elvis lookalikes, he could actually walk around using disguises and get away with it. Who would be looking
for him anyway, when he is supposedly dead? Before '77, there was an "Elvis lookalike, sound alike" at a Memphis
theatre. Elvis put on his best "Elvis outfit", strolled in and mingled with the clones, doing his best "Hey,
baby". Afterwards, he came back to Graceland laughing. He tried out and lost!
Elvis and his mother's bodies were moved to the Meditation Gardens for burial, after three men tried to break into the
crypt. Graceland was rezoned to permit burials at the estate. Elvis wanted to be buried by his mother. Why is he buried between
father and grandmother?
In the 1989 Orion's "Farewell to the King", the King says "I died once. I had to be willing to give up
everything, even the will to live." The last recording session at Graceland was The Last Farewell.
There have been many sightings at various places including Graceland. There are some escape routes at Graceland that people
don't know about.
In a syndicated newspaper across the nation on June 5, 1990, an article headlined "Elvis Lives, At Least On Census
Form." The Census Bureau reported in 1990 that the King returned a questionaire to the bureau office in Huntsville, Alabama.
It was noticed by census workers who were screening forms for completednesss.
Late Night with Ross Shafer (August 1988) had a survey that showed that of 30,000 persons polled, approximately 84% believe
Elvis is alive.
On Monday, August 22, 1988, Harold Schuitmaker, in an item of the Detroit News, said "Elvis is Alive and Living in
Kalamazoo." Schuitmaker was a well known Michigan politician and resident of Paw Paw (15 miles from Kalamazoo)
The masked singer Orion was at the McMinnville Civic Center and a fan said that she felt that the man onstage and the
one who signed autographs were different people. People have reported that someone sounding like Elvis called them on the
phone and some hung up because they couldn't believe it.
A book titled Elvis: Where Are You? came out of Wilton Manors, Florida around August, 1982 under the name of Al Jefferies.
The premise of the book was that Elvis hoaxed his death. Kelly Burgess, a former assistant editor and feature writer with
the Detroit News, claimed to have seen Elvis in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She is not living now.
In 1988, Heartbreak Hotel starred David Keith as Elvis. (The film had the support of EP Enterprises.) A soundtrack album
thanked Jerry Schilling and a special thanks to J.B.
In 1987's Robo Cop, a cop is killed, but didn't die. He returns as Robo Cop-a superman hero. It was filmed in Michigan.
During that time radio stations got calls from a man sounding like Elvis Presley. There have been lots of sightings there
and it was also on his final concert tour. Is this possibly a "message" film?
March 18, 1990, an article on Robo Cop, in the Detroit News told of Robo Cop speaking to a Boys and Girls club against
drugs. It was a three month long anti-drug campaign organized by the FBI, Orion Home Video of New York, and the Boys Club
of America. This Robo Cop was not the same actor as in the movie-his true identity was not revealed. he was a special agent
helping the FBI fight the war on drugs. His suit was bullet-proof. During filming, some people saw a man looking like an older
In Mac and Me, a film from 1988, a young alien is lost and at the end the family drives away in an old pink Cadillac convertible.
A balloon caption says "We'll be back". The sound track is on Curb Records, which is the same label as "Spelling
on the Stone". There were some song lyrics which were: "Tired of being myself, being different from everyone else,
somehow you knew I needed your help, be my friend forever. I never found my star in the night; living my dream was far from
sight." There was a scene in the movie where Eric asks Debbie "Why didn't you tell him that you saw him (the alien)?"
She says, "Because no one would believe me."
Elvis has become a mythic figure, and there have been frequent rumors that he is still alive. Presley remains the single
most influential and respected figure in the history of Rock music. Elvis was the first Rock/Pop singer to have a single record
sell a million copies, the first to go platinum with an album in less than two weeks, the first singer to presell a million
records before a release, the first entertainer to earn a million dollars for one concert performance, and the first young,
white, southern male to bring international attention to the importance of black rhythm and blues. He was the first singer
to get a million dollar screen contract. He was the first music personality to have a TV performance broadcast worldwide via
In 1993, he became the first rock'n'roll star whose picture appeared on a commemorative U.S. Postal stamp (the largest
stamp printing in history). Elvis is a landmark in almost everyone's life, going back to distant memories of watching him
above the waist on Ed Sullivan or hearing "Hound Dog" for the first time. His image continues to mesmerize: witness
the appearance of 200 Elvis impersonators at Liberty Weekend in 1986.
There was a time when he was merely the most popular entertainer in history. He is more than that now. He is a symbol
of America as recognizable as the flag. Elvis opened the 'window of his soul' to his fans all over the world. Thank you, Elvis!
Remember you are always on our mind. "TCB FOREVER!
Exhibit B: The DNA Story? True or False?
There is another story which has played on the ' Elvis is alive' rumors. This story centers around Elvis and his DNA.
It seems when Elvis was alive, really sick and always in and out of local hospital, his DNA was taken. No-one really seemed
to mind til after his death. Another test of both DNA was taken and they didnt match! It was cotegorical proof that Elvis
Aaron Presley was not buried at Glacelands. People seem to believe Elvis used the body of Col. Tom Parkers son, who died on
the same day. I do find this story stupid. Everyone knew Elvis had died that day but it does make you think!
Exhibit C: The Bone Cancer story
Another Elvis story about his death is that it was caused by Bone Cancer. The story is backed up by Larry Geller, Dick
Grob, Charlie Hodge and Kathy Westmoreland. Elvis would take the drug Dilaudid, which is given to terminally ill Cancer patients.
He would tell people that his body was aching and he felt run down, like something was taking over him. After Elvis had died,
Dr. Nicholous told Vernon that Elvis had a short while to live due to the Bone Cancer. In fact, Elvis would have died a few
months later if he had lived! It also seems backed by Elvis himself. He once told Kathy Westmoreland that he had Bone Cancer
but Elvis didnt wanna tell his beloved fans. He didnt want them to come to his concerts to watch a dying man.
Exhibit D: Life Insurance Policy:
Elvis'Lloyds of London life insurance policy still has not been cashed in. Why? It is not illegal to fake your death as
long as you don't profit from it. So if Elvis is really dead, shouldn't someone claim it by now?? I mean it's almost 30 years
and it's still unclaimed!!!!!!!!!
